Part 1: Christine Gets Caught Up.. A Murder Mystery.

It was a humid, July morning in upstate New York.

July 30th to be exact. 

10 years ago.

I rolled out of bed. Messy hair. Wearing an oversized t-shirt. No bra. 

I was thinking that I always felt bad that my neighbors had to see me like this each morning… As I opened my front door ..

I reached down to the porch floor to pick up the local morning newspaper, The Kingston Daily News. 

“Ohhhh damnnn” I said to myself as I made my way to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. Looking down, mesmerized by the headline. I’m surprised I didn’t trip over anything.

Big news happened in my town the day before and there it was on the front page in large, bold print. 

“Dead Body Found Inside Burning Car”.

Hi !! I’m Christine !! I have a story to tell you. 

My story begins about 4 months before that murder.

I was a stay at home mom. I was in my late 30s. My son, Sam, was 2 years old.

My husband, Brian, was a local small town banker and worked the typical 9-5 grind.

At that time, I had become concerned that Sam wasn’t talking yet. Sam should have been at least speaking a few words by age 2 and I was noticing a delay in his speech. Brian and I were both in agreement that I should call and ask for help from our County’s Early Childhood Intervention Department. 

Sam eventually received some evaluations from speech professionals. It turned out that Sam needed to have a speech educator come to our home once per week to work with him “one on one.”

Sam was assigned a case coordinator who matched him up with the right service provider and set up the dates and times they would come to our home to work with him. Our coordinator, Joyce, was very thorough and professional. I remember she called me up to explain they are overwhelmed with cases in our county and having a difficult time finding a speech educator to work with Sam. A few days later she called me, again.. “I finally found an educator for Sam.” She said “ He is my coworker’s brother and he is willing to drive up  from WestChester County.” We lived in Kingston so he would be driving 70 miles north to get to us. Joyce said “His name is Mr. Martinez.”

I remember looking out the window the day Mr. Martinez was to arrive for his first meeting with Sam. I saw his little blue Honda skirt into our driveway.

That day, and each “speech day” after, it was the same process. Mr. Martinez would pull into the driveway. Close the drivers door and then open the back door. He would grab a giant military style zippered duffle bag out of his back seat of the car. It was green and it was heavy and filled with toys and learning material. The bag was so heavy he had to bend his knees then jump up to get the strap of the bag to go on his shoulder firmly. Then he would make his way to our front door with the bag and ring the doorbell. He would walk into our house and high five Sam and say “What’s up, little man?”

Mr. Martinez was a few years younger than myself. He was average height. He had a muscular build, and always wore a character t-shirt that young kids would like. His t-shirts mainly had Mickey Mouse and Disney characters on them. He always wore the t-shirts a little on the tighter side (probably to show off his strength.) He seemed quiet and a bit mysterious. He was really good with Sam. He came across as having a gentle personality with children. Yet, there was still something about him that my gutt couldn’t quite figure out. Like he was hiding something about himself.

The first day Mr. Martinez came over, he was on the floor playing a learning game with Sam and he said to me “You know I used to be in the military. When I got out I made the decision to work with kids who need help with speech.” Good to know, considering I didn’t really ask him to tell me anything about himself. 

As the visits progressed, he would sometimes take phone calls on his cell phone. I learned, based on his conversations on his phone, that he was married with a young kid at home.

That summer, my little guy, Sam, was obsessed with a particular pair of rainboots that a family friend had given him. He wore them all over the house and outside and would not take them off except for bed. They were black and yellow with a picture of a fireman helmet on the side of them. When Mr. Martinez noticed Sam’s love for the fireman rain boots, he said to me “I am a volunteer firefighter. I keep my gear in my car and I will have Sam try my fire helmet on some day. I bet he would like that.” 

There was a day in particular that Mr. Martinez was working with Sam that I remember quite vividly. He was sitting on the carpet with Sam. I was sitting higher up on our living room sofa. Mr. Martinez pointed to a small burn on his hand just above his thumb. He told me he was called to a fire the night before and he burned his hand.  He said “It was a dryer fire.” He reminded me to always change the lint trap in our dryer. Then he went back to working with Sam. It was obvious that he was very proud of the volunteer firefighting work that he does. And he definitely felt the need to explain to me why he had a burn on his hand.

Mr. Martinez continued to drive 70 miles each way to work with Sam once a week for about 3 or 4 months.

Forward my story to July 30th, again.. When I went onto my porch and grabbed the newspaper and read the disturbing headlines “Dead body found inside burning car”. I couldn’t believe what I was reading. A gruesome murder! The story initially stated that the victim was a male. He died in a burning car, which was located in a wooded area, just off a crossroad of Rt 9W. Flames drew the attention of neighbors who called 911. The article also stated that the victim’s fingers were cut off and missing. It was quite intriguing and disgusting to hear something like that happening in my own town. Clearly foul play was involved. Police still had to figure out whose body it was in the car. Lots of unanswered questions at that time. It was definitely the talk of the town. 

On the same day I had read the headlines about the murder, I was invited to my friend, Kate’s, house. Sam and I headed over for an afternoon picnic. Kate is a dear friend who I met at a child playgroup when Sam was a newborn. I figured joining a group right away would be a nice way to meet other moms. Kate and I struck up an instant friendship.  She had a daughter, Mackenzie, who was a little older than Sam. Mackenzie and Sam had grown to become little buddies and played well together. 

On the way to Kate’s house, I ran into a traffic jam. “Great. I’m late as it is. And I have this macaroni salad that’s gonna get funky.” I quickly realized that up ahead were flashing police lights. Cops were stopping drivers. “Oh shit. That’s right. I am about to pull up to the area of the reported crime scene from that murder yesterday.” The crime scene sat right at a crossroad that was just off of Rt 9W. My car rolled up to the officer and I was a little nervous . Because you know.….Police and a murder…. As my car rolled closer, I noticed that I knew exactly who that police officer was.. It was Todd Finley. Oh – I could write a book about this guy. But I will just give you a little info. For one. He was extremely good looking. Gotta give him that. Wavy brown hair and light blue eyes. Don’t mistake him by his looks, though. The guy was an asshole. I’ve known him for 20 years. His daddy was a judge in our town and Todd always found himself in serious trouble, but would instantly find himself out of serious trouble. And.. Another thing.. How does someone like that land himself a position in the police department? Shameful really.

 As my car approached Todd, I could see that arrogant smirk on his face and that he recognized me. You see, Todd and I went out on a few dates 20 years earlier. We were teenagers then. He picked me up in his dad’s fancy, expensive car and we would drive around and we even “made out” a few times. He thought it was funny to brag about all the bad things he did and how he got away with them. So I decided to “ghost” him and not ever return his phone calls after that. So I assumed he didn’t like me much since then. Lucky for me, I rarely had seen him in the past 20 years. 

Todd tried to look serious like he was impressing me. I rolled down my window. Todd got right to the point.  “Were you on this road or in this vicinity yesterday around 2 pm?”  I said “NO. But, how are you dooo….” and he cut me right off mid sentence. “Ok, then keep moving.” Clearly he was still a dick head after all those years. Not much had changed . I rolled up my car window and kept driving toward Kate’s house. I was thinking that guy is probably up to no good. Breakin’ the law when he supposed to be makin’ the law. Meanwhile, Little Sam was strapped in the back car seat behind me without a worry in the world. 

Kate’s house was only a mile from the crime scene. At that moment, it dawned on me. I remember in conversation once, that Kate told me that Todd was her cousin. She once told me “I never really liked him. He is a bad person.”  Obviously I didn’t disagree with her.  I couldn’t wait to tell her that I just saw him. 

As I approached Kate’s house. Another strange feeling came over me. Like out of nowhere, a bunch of random memories flooded my head. For instance,, The day before, when Mr. Martinez was at my house, he had shown me that burn on his hand. He also once told me a few weeks earlier that he takes Rt 9W to get to Kingston each time he drives up. Why did my brain all the sudden throw this info at me? Is there something to this? I mean. Think about it . Volunteer fireman/car set on fire , burned hand/burned body, takes Rt 9w to get here from his home/murder occured just off of Rt 9W. I told myself.”Mr. Martinez is too much of a gentle soul to be a murderer. Stop with that thought right now, Christine.”

Kate and her husband, Dan, had a lovely home that sat on the water along the Hudson River. They had colorful cape cod style chairs set out along the water. A spectacular view of the river with lots of the boats, barges, and jet skis to always keep your attention. They enjoyed hosting Friday afternoon pics nics.. Because they had the perfect situation to do so.. 

Kate and Dan worked from home most days. So their work hours were flexible. They work for the same company but have different types of jobs. Funny, they did not meet at work. They met at a volleyball tournament and turned out they had been working for JCN Corp for years and never crossed paths before that. Now they have a cute story to tell.. The JCN company headquarters is about 6 miles headed south on Rt 9w. They worked from home but had to go to the headquarters usually once per week. 

Kate and Dan are huge Disney obsessed fans. They used to go every year. Then, after they had Mackenzie, they went twice a year. I had never gone to Disney so I never understood their obsession.

The week before I was at their house for the picnic, Kate and I were at our playgroup with the kids. Kate said to me in a slight whisper “I have something to tell you about but need more time and privacy to explain it all”. It sounded like it was something she needed to say without Dan around. 

I suspected that she was cheating on Dan. Perhaps what she wanted to tell me had to do with that. I was hoping to try to get alone time with her the day of the picnic so maybe she can fill me in on any juicy info. She hasn’t seemed happy in her marriage in the past few months. She’s been spending time at this new trendy bar that opened up on Rt 9W a few months ago. It’s called The Liquid Lounge. Not that I would ever say anything to Kate, but that placed looked shady as fuck whenever I would drive past it. 

Funny thing is once I drove past the bar and saw Kate’s car parked there and at the same time I saw a car that looked just like Mr. Martinez’s. I thought “Isn’t that strange. Two decent people I know and they are both at the sketchy bar. Maybe it’s not as bad as I think it is.”

It seemed that Kate was coming up with reasons to go into the company headquarters more than just once per week so that she could stop at The Liquid Lounge. She even told me once that she met some guy in a Mickey Mouse T-shirt and had some much needed laughs with him. I swear her Disney obsession is ridiculous. 

At the picnic, I noticed that Kate and Dan were acting odd. Dan had a look in his eyes I hadn’t seen before and at first I just thought maybe he was tired. His forehead was all wrinkled like he was very tense. Usually he’s a very relaxed and gentle kind of person.  

I couldn’t wait to tell them the bits of news I had for them.. “Hey guys, guess what?. I was just stopped at a police check point on the way here. Did you hear about that gruesome murder that happened yesterday?” Suddenly, The tension in Dan’s forehead looked even worse. I then said “And Kate, your cousin Todd was one of the cops working the checkpoint and I had to speak to him”. I rolled my eyes in non delight. Kate and Dan tried to act like they thought it was funny, but I could tell something was up. 

I had to use the bathroom and I said “Come on, Sam. Come with mommy to the potty.” 

Sam and I walked back outside after I used the bathroom and I could see that Kate and Dan walked towards their garage to step away from us and they were having a serious and heated exchange. Dan was saying “I don’t fucking know. Get off my ass about that.” I didn’t want them to feel awkward that I had overheard their exchange so I said “ Sam, let’s take a walk along the water with mommy and look at the pretty rocks.” So we went the opposite direction. We walked to the part of their property where there is a weird landing that goes out a bit on the river’s edge. This area is rocky and seems to collect sticks and random debris that people drop off their boats. That’s when I noticed something odd. I walked closer and noticed what appeared to be something green with a zipper on it. Was it overalls pants or was it a duffle bag? I couldn’t tell. Whatever it was, it looked like it had maroon stains. Almost like old blood. It was caught in that mess of sticks and garbage and appeared partially wet. As I got closer I could smell gasoline. Wasn’t sure if the smell was coming from the pants/bag or perhaps a boat that just passed by.. 

It really creeped me out. I said “Come on, Sam. Lets go sit down.” I walked back toward the Cape Cod chairs and by that point Dan and Kate were sitting in the chairs and acting normal.

When I sat by them, Dan said “That’s dangerous over there. I would stay away from that part of our property.”

A few days after the murder, I received a phone call from our County case coordinator, Joyce.. She informed me that Mr. Martinez decided to quit working here in Kingston and he will only be coming to work with Sam one more time to wrap up his contract.

On his last day, Martinez didn’t stay long and definitely didn’t act like his usual self when he was working with Sam. We wished him well on his future endeavors as he left.

The community eventually learned (by news updates) that the man who was found in the burning vehicle was identified. His name was Mark Coleman. The news reported that he lived in a neighboring town about 10 miles south west of Kingston. He did not seem to be known by anyone in the Kingston area, according to investigators. This seemed to have added to the mystery surrounding this case. How did he end up in Kingston? We also eventually learned that Mr. Coleman commuted to his job each day. He worked at a Children’s hospital in WestChester County.

When I started thinking about the newest info I knew about this case, I started realizing there were a lot of additional coincidences to add to my already mounting suspicions. Mr. Martinez came from West Chester County and Mr. Coleman worked in WestChester County. They both worked with children. That is a possible connection. I suppose.  Also, the police mentioned in the news to be on the lookout for anyone you know who may have left the area abruptly. Well, Mr. Martinez seemed to have put in a short notice immediately after the murder. 

I definitely follow too many crime stories and was thinking I am silly to think that way about such a nice man. I would constantly try to put it out of my head.

As a few years went by. The case remained unsolved. 

Over time, Facebook became a very popular website on the internet. I would often think of this unsolved case and decided to see if I could find Mr. Martinez on Facebook. I could not locate Mr. Martinez. But, I did locate his wife.

The only thing I learned from stalking her Facebook page is that the Martinez family appeared to be a very loving family. She posted a few photos of her husband and sometimes he was in her profile picture with her. I don’t know what I thought I would ever find by checking on the page every so often. 

So, each time I looked at that page I felt more and more guilty that I could even think that this man could possibly be a murderer. 

Maybe 3 or 4 times a year I would check up on her Facebook page. I mean.. Really. What would that ever tell me about that fateful day from several years passed? Nothing.

As the years went by. The general public would forget about the case. I often did as well. Then, out of nowhere, I would think about it. 

The anniversary of the murder always created a news article to keep the case alive and would remind me about the intuition that I couldn’t shake off. 

Fast forward a few more years. The investigators decided to drop some additional, previously undisclosed, info about the case to the public. It was an attempt to see if they could find any more people with information to help them solve the case.

They released a photo of a missing ring. Mr. Coleman had a ring he rarely removed. The detectives never could locate the ring at the crime scene. Maybe if the public saw the photo of the ring it would create a new interest or maybe someone had seen someone wearing the ring.

The ring appeared quite unique. It was 14k yellow gold with a huge square emerald stone. 

One day, I had another one of those moments, when my mind thought about this unsolved case. I had a feeling I should check out the wife’s Facebook account, once again. It had been several months since I last stalked it. I noticed Mr. Martinez’s wife had posted a new profile photo since I last checked. In the photo Mr. Martinez’s arm was around his wife, his hand resting on her shoulder. And on his finger….. Was a ring that looked just like the one I had seen in the police press release photo. A gold ring with a huge square emerald ! Omg . What should I do ?!!

One more thing .. I looked closer at the photo with my heart racing . I noticed that Mr. Martinez and his wife appeared to be on a boat on the river in this new photo. And in the background.. it appeared to be Kate and Dan’s house! 

My heart raced even more and I almost passed out. 

What the actual F.U.C.K. is happening here?

Stay tuned for Part 2. The rest of the story.

2 thoughts on “Part 1: Christine Gets Caught Up.. A Murder Mystery.”

  1. Whoa!!! I am hooked on this story and can’t wait to read part 2! I went through that road block the day of the murder, too. I remember like it was yesterday.

  2. Wow! I could picture it all as I was reading through…I can’t wait for part 2. Like what would anyone do in such a predicament?!?!

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