Being in my 40’s…..

I wanted to write a quick little story about what I have come to learn while in my 40’s.

This month, I will turn 45 years old. So in honor of this…, I feel compelled to write a little something.

To be honest….. I enjoy being in my 40’s… I really do….

Here’s a few things that come to mind…

I feel like I have more wisdom. I am able to help friends who are younger with issues they may have…

I have more experience. I have gone through many good times and many bad times… This definitely helps to carve my personality and my compassion for others.

I feel more self confident. In my personal life and my professional life…At work, I tend to have a smile and always willing to help or eager to learn more about what I don’t quite understand yet.

I tend to worry less about the “small stuff”  and worry more about my health and my family.

I am very aware of what is most important in life. One example is the importance of  witnessing the excitement that happens daily in my childrens’ lives. I appreciate being at their activities.. Soccer games, choir concerts, recitals, karate classes, running races, etc.

By having this blog, I have learned so much. I have learned to listen to others and learn more about others.. I like to write about other people’s experiences …

Listening is so important… I feel like in my 20s and 30s I was a bit more self centered…I didn’t listen as well..

I also find that the things I listed above (wisdom, experience, listening, compassion) helps in my marriage. I am totally and completely in love with my husband. More than I ever have been. And we’ve been together for 21 years. I feel that our happiness also trickles down on to our 4 children.

It’s like a cycle…One hand feeds the other….

I go and get my hair highlighted every 7 weeks or so. I go and get my eyebrows waxed (but not as often as I should). I TRY to buy clothes that are updated and fashionable.The problem is, I have learned to HATE to shop for clothes (when I used to love it).. ..I try to stay active by running, cycling, and weight lifting.. I am conscious of trying to make healthy eating choices, but I like to eat and don’t deprive myself, ever….. In general, I find “balance”….  I find a happy medium with keeping up with appearances….Definitely not trying to be Christy Brinkley… I feel like at any age, it’s important to do what makes you feel good about yourself, right?

I just try to be ME… I do not compare myself to others.

And, believe me, and many of you have witnessed it… I have no problem going out in public, especially the grocery story, in my big sweatpants, no make up on my face and my hair or teeth barely brushed… Often wearing a baseball cap….. It’s just how it is…

And with THAT being said,…I have  learned (and it a took a long time for this…) to have the….”This is me… Like me or not..” attitude….Life is too short for nonsense of the people who may possibly be judgemental or jealous. Many people lose friendships over this, myself included…….Good things come to people who welcome positivity and happiness into their lives, be accepting of others, and celebrate other peoples achievements…

I have not always been like this. The way I live now is not the way I lived in my 20s and 30s (in some instances ). Some of which I just wrote about,  I had the opposite attitude or an extreme attitude at one point or other in my life.

It’s definitely been a process to get where I am now.  And I think that is so friggin’ awesome !!!!

Let me know some things you would tell the younger you… Things that you know now that you didn’t know then…I am curious…..

Thanks for continuing to read my blog…






3 thoughts on “Being in my 40’s…..”

  1. Had a free moment to read your blog…finally!
    You are a FASHIONISTA and complete the ensemble with that big grin you have.

    Wait until you’re 50! ahhhhh!

  2. Thanks for sharing…I remember turning 30 and it was a very emotional experience for me. It was a time that I looked back at my life; the mistakes, the success, the things I still hadn’t accomplished but felt I should have. It took me a couple years to get over turning 30. Long, self doubt filled, emotional years that started at 29. Yesterday, I turned 40. The hardest part of that was that it happened on a Monday. Who likes Monday’s? Well, if you do God Bless You. 40 feels strange, almost conflicting because
    40 (F-O-R-T-Y) seems like a huge number to me. Yet, I woke up feeling exactly like I did at 39. I welcome you 40, I am ready, I am excited and I do believe these will be some of the best years of my life yet. Cheers to 40 years!!!

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